.Savage Love

Dec 23, 2020


We hosted our second Savage Love Livestream last week, and it was a blast. I ran my mouth as fast as I could but couldn't answer every question that came in—there were hundreds of you and only one of me—so I'm going to power through as many leftover questions...
Dec 2, 2020

Too Late

Nov 18, 2020


Nov 4, 2020

Old Times

I'm a 45-year-old straight woman in a monogamous relationship with a 48-year-old straight man. One thing that keeps playing over in my mind is something he said to me three months into our relationship. He spent the...
Oct 28, 2020

Savage Love: The ‘patriarchal gaze’ killed porn for me

I've been with my partner for a year and a half and have been long distance from the start and she's working towards moving closer to me in a more permanent way. But I'm worried about the...
Oct 21, 2020

Love vs. Trump: Relationships are being tested in election season

I'm a 60-something straight woman. A few years ago, a longtime male friend and I, both in very unhappy relationships, did what I'd never done in my life: we cheated on our partners. We both ended our...
Oct 7, 2020

Savage Love: What to do when an ex makes you miserable

I was dumped in August by a guy I was seeing for 10 months. He told me that he wants to work on himself and "needs to be selfish" right now. Since then, we have spoken every...
Sep 30, 2020

Three’s a Crowd

The man I'm seeing is the first person I ever opened up to about my bisexuality. Over our first year together, we had several threesomes, but we both became uncomfortable with them and one day he told...
Sep 23, 2020

Facebook Official

I'm a 32-year-old straight man dating a 31-year-old straight woman. We've been seeing each other for eight months and became "Facebook official" (if that's still a thing) in June. We are both in our first serious relationship...
Aug 26, 2020

Culture Clash

I'm a 39-year-old gay man living in Chicago. Recently a good friend of mine got engaged to a wonderful man from Gambia in West Africa. She's planning a ceremony there next summer and has invited me to...
East Bay Express E-edition East Bay Express E-edition