
Jan 25, 2024

MedMen Loses Another CEO

MedMen, the failing chain of cannabis dispensaries with a history of gross mismanagement behind it, and most likely a crash-and-burn directly ahead of it, is going through CEOs like Oakland goes through police chiefs. On Wednesday, the company announced via a terse press release that Ellen Deutsch Harrison, its...
Jul 28, 2010

Retail Climate Delays Jack London Market

The long-awaited artisanal food mecca at Jack London Square has been billed as a "culinary playground" that will help revitalize the Oakland waterfront. Brochures promise that the building will become the East Bay's response to the flourishing...
Jul 28, 2010

Is It Legal to Tax Large Pot Farms?

The City of Oakland hopes to make millions of dollars each year by taxing the four giant medical cannabis growing operations it plans to permit in early 2011. Likewise, Berkeley hopes to cash in on six large...
Jul 28, 2010

Passion Is Not Enough to Sustain a Business

Berkeley's Barbara J. Lippard has served in various leadership positions within SCORE, the national organization that provides free small-business mentoring and training. Currently, she's a counselor and serves on its national board of directors. Prior to her...
Jun 30, 2010

New Tax Threatens Oakland’s Small Businesses

Oakland retailers have shown signs of rebounding from the Great Recession in the past several months, particularly small, independent businesses. The local restaurant industry also is flourishing. About 25 new eateries have opened in the city in...
Jun 30, 2010

Crafting an Elegant Exit Strategy for Your Small Business

Money generally winds up in one or more places after the sale of a business: the pocket of the seller, the family of the seller, the seller's favorite charity, and government coffers. The primary aim of most...
Jun 30, 2010

Noncompete Agreements Are Also Nonlegal in California

You hire Joe to work for you. After learning everything he can, he quits and starts a similar business. He also hires several of your other employees and lures away some of your best customers. Is this...
Jun 30, 2010

The Sustainable Economies Law Center Wants to Help You Share

Berkeley attorney Janelle Orsi is the co-founder of the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC), which aims to help social enterprises, worker-owned co-ops, and other mission-oriented enterprises sort through legal red tape. The co-author of The Sharing Solution,...
East Bay Express E-edition East Bay Express E-edition