Who gets the Contra Costa crime news to you fast, fast, fast – and often first, beating the mainstream media by a mile?
It’s the blogger who calls himself the Mayor of Claycord, and he deserves a serious shout-out for acquiring and posting breaking CoCoCo crime news at Claycord.blogspot.com. Right now he’s got a thread about a foiled murder plot involving three local Marines.
According to the Mayor: “Concord resident, Clayton Valley High School graduate, United States Marine, self confessed shoplifter and drug user Clayton Hill has been arrested and is being held in the Contra Costa County Jail for ‘solicit to commit murder,’ his bail is set at 1-million dollars.
“What allegedly happened is this. Hill was away at boot camp, he came back to find that his former girlfriend (who is also a Marine) had another boyfriend (another Marine). Hill then allegedly asked a friend of his to help him kill the man his ex-girlfriend was dating. His unidentified friend went to the Concord PD with the info, they investigated, recorded a few conversations between Hill and his friend, and an arrest was made. Good job Concord PD!
“According to Hill’s MySpace page, he would love to meet Adolph Hitler and Charles Manson, and he lists his future job as ‘hitman.'”
Knowing what’s what, the Mayor adds: “Nobody else has this story, but I’m sure they will soon since I just gave them all the details, again!”
Recently, he was first to the plate with news on a SunValley Mall robbery, the Walnut Creek murder of Eric Martin, the Pittsburg arrest of sex criminal Nathan Henderson … and many more.