It happened. I did that thing where you forget that you ate an edible — and then you realize that you’re feeling a little funny, but can’t quite put your finger on why.
In my case, this occurred after a few bites of Mind Tricks Cannabis Infused Toffee, when I couldn’t remember what website I always go to listen to music. “‘Starts with a P…’” I thought, confusedly combing through my memory. It took a minute but it finally came to me. Yes, I was definitely high.
I tried three flavors of the infused toffee: Cookies N Cream, PB+J, and Salted Dark Chocolate Walnut. Each bag comes with 100 mg of THC, with five pieces of toffee at 20 mg each. The flavors are spot on and even though you can taste a bit of the cannabis extract used in the dessert, it’s still really good. They are decent-sized pieces, but they are so delicious, it took a lot of will power not to eat an entire package. Instead, I just nibbled throughout the day.
For the most part, I felt pleasantly hazy and dreamy, but not sleepy. There were moments where I felt myself getting higher and losing track of my thoughts. But I wasn’t overwhelmingly stoned and didn’t feel slowed-down or heavy. It was a nice, clean high, which lingered before leveling out and floating away.
The buzz was fine, of course, but the best part was the taste and texture of the toffee. I’m not typically a fan, but this might be some of the best I’ve sampled.
For more information, visit MindTricksToffee.com.