The Oikos University massacre’s victims may have received less of a police response than they might have if it weren’t for a botched federal raid on the legal cannabis school Oaksterdam University, new documents indicate.
Oakland Police Department emails from the morning of April 2 reveal that the surprise hundred-agent federal raid of six Oaksterdam-affiliated sites — and the ensuing crowd-control problems as protesters seized on the event — “drained the vast majority of [the department’s] west-end staffing thus resulting in several priority calls being stacked — something that might have [been] prevented.”
Armed federal agents seize textbooks as mass murder unfolds across town in Oakland April 2. Credits: David Downs The grisly scene outside Oikos University in East Oakland Alleged school shooter, One L. Goh escaped and turned himself in. Federal agents bust up the Oaksterdam gift shop. Credits: David Downs