.Who Knew Trash Could Be This Beautiful

Litterati makes its way to a museum in the South Bay.

A few months ago, we profiled Jeff Kirschner, the founder of Litterati, whose fantastic yet simple plan of harnessing the power of social media to combat the problem of litter has started a global movement. In addition, Litterati is now also a a 24-piece art collection that’s currently on display at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in San Jose.

See Also:
One Man’s Ingenious Plan to Clean Up the East Bay and Beyond
A New War on Smoking 


Below are a few of the other photographs on display at the Refuge, all of them pieces of trash, all of them strangely compelling. The photos come from all over the world and will be featured at the museum through early June. 

Jeff Kirschner was also interviewed recently on the Comcast Hometown Network. Watch below to learn more about saving the planet one piece of trash at a time:

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