.Weekender: The Top Five Things to Do Over the Next Three Days in the East Bay

music in the park, psychedelic furs

Snap out of your post-Bastille Day/HP7 haze; there’s fun to be had!! Herewith, the top five events going down over the next 72 hours in the East Bay:

Venture Dance Project
Kristin Damrow, an emerging young choreographer who moved to Oakland in 2010 from her hometown of Chicago, has found a creative nexus at the Subterranean Arthouse (2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley), where her newly formed company, Venture Dance Project, performs Friday and Saturday, July 15-16. Perhaps not surprisingly, given how far from family Damrow now lives, she developed the 45-minute performance around the theme of home, sense memories, and perceptions of place. In the Arthouse’s spirit of interdisciplinary experimentation and collaboration, the performance incorporates other local artists via a video by Kristin Rooney-Nguyen, layered instrumental music composed by Robert Shelton and Patrick Martens, and a gallery of collage by Anna Greenberg. 8:30 p.m., $8-$15. 800-838-3006 or SubterraneanArthouse.org — Claudia Bauer

MC Hammer Bobblehead Day
Isn’t it time Oakland’s baseball team properly honored one of the city’s most important hometown heroes? And isn’t the best way to do that by turning him into a humorously-proportioned novelty item? We’re talking, of course, about the Oakland A’s MC Hammer Bobblehead Day, happening Sunday, July 17, as part of “’80s Weekend” at the Oakland Coliseum (7000 Coliseum Way). This will reportedly make the A’s the first (and hopefully not last!) Major League Baseball team to use a rapper as bobblehead fodder. Hammer, who spent seven years as a ball boy for the team, will throw the first pitch as the A’s take on the LA Angels in the last of a four-game series; fans are advised to come in their “freshest gear.” 1:05 p.m., $10-$200. 877-493-2255 or OaklandAthletics.com. — Ellen Cushing


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East Bay Express E-edition East Bay Express E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs