.Wednesday’s Briefing: Positive covid-19 case in state Senate could stifle key legislation; SCU Lightning Complex fires gaining containment

East Bay developer files suit against new regional park

music in the park, psychedelic furs

News you don’t want to miss for Aug. 26:

1. A positive covid-19 test has shut down the California Senate on Wednesday and it could not have come at a worst time, the Los Angeles Times reports. That’s because the legislative year is set to end on Aug. 31. The postponement could potentially leave a number of important bills on the table. As of noon, the state Assembly intends to meet later today.$$

2. Firefighters are beginning to gain the upper hand against the SCU, LNU, and CZU Lightning Complex fires, KPIX reports. The SCU Lightning Complex fires burning in Santa Clara, Alameda, and Contra Costa Counties is now 25 percent contained.

3. The poor air quality due to the panoply of wildfires surrounding the East Bay is improving, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The air in Oakland, San Leandro areas has returned to good levels since Tuesday afternoon as the wildfires are being slowly contained, along with cooler local temperatures.

4. Contra Costa County will loosen some of its shelter in place orders this Friday, the East Bay Times reports. “The new order, which Contra Costa County Health Services officials said goes into effect Friday, will allow nail salons and massage studios to begin operating outdoors. Gyms and fitness centers also will be cleared to resume doing outside business.” Alameda County will allow barbershops, hair and nail salons, and water parks to reopen outdoors on Friday.

5. The developer behind a 1,500 single-family homes project in Pittsburg is suing the East Bay Regional Park District in order to block a proposed regional park slated for the nearby former Concord Naval Weapons Station, SFGate reports.

$$ = Stories you may have to pay to read.


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East Bay Express E-edition East Bay Express E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs