Stories you shouldn’t miss:
1. Oakland, which has an unemployment rate of close to 20 percent, is about to endure another economic setback as Clorox announced that it’s transferring up to 700 jobs to Pleasanton, the Trib reports. The job losses also promise to inflict damage on downtown Oakland restaurants, bars, and shops. Clorox, one of Oakland’s largest employers, said that it plans to keep its headquarters in the city, but that its new Pleasanton campus will create synergies for the company. The company also announced that it’s selling its STP and Armor All car products divisions, but they were not based in Oakland, Bloomberg News reports.
2. Though Jerry Brown personally opposes the death penalty, the attorney general is pushing to reinstate executions in California. The Mercury News reports that Brown’s office argues that the moratorium on capital punishment should be lifted because the state has instituted new, humane procedures for putting people to death. A San Jose federal judge said he will rule by Friday on whether to allow executions to resume next week. Brown’s actions could prove pivotal in the governor’s campaign, because capital punishment remains popular in California despite its astronomically high costs.