Stories you shouldn’t miss:
1. The City of Oakland’s plan for a new waterfront ballpark for the Oakland A’s will get its first public airing tonight in front of the city Planning Commission. Members of the public will get a chance to comment on the plan and suggest issues that should be studied in the city’s environmental impact report. The proposal calls for a 39,000-seat stadium nestled along the Lake Merritt Channel and the Oakland Estuary, surrounded by housing, retail, and office space. Traffic issues are sure to be among the top concerns for the proposed project, the Trib notes.
2. California Attorney General-elect Kamala Harris said yesterday that she plans to go after polluters, along with focusing on inmate recidivism and fighting white collar crime, the Chron reports. Harris also said her office will help local police agencies combat gang violence and will target high-tech crimes, such as identity theft.