.Tuesday Must Reads: Judge Orders Oakland Council to Reopen Gallery; Vaccination Bill Heads to Governor Brown

Stories you shouldn’t miss:

1. An Alameda County Superior Court judge ordered the Oakland City Council to reopen the council chamber’s upstairs gallery to the public, following complaints that the council was illegally restricting access to council meetings inside City Hall, the Trib$ reports. Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney had ordered the gallery closed two months ago after activists who were upset about the proposed sale of public land to a luxury condo developer shut down a council meeting. Gibson McElhaney had claimed that the upstairs gallery, which seats about one hundred people, created a safety problem, but the city failed to provide any evidence of that assertion.

2. A bill that would require all California schoolchildren to be vaccinated — unless they obtain a medical waiver — passed both houses of the legislature and was sent to Governor Jerry Brown for his approval, the Mercury News$ reports. Brown has not said whether he will sign or veto SB 277, which had faced fierce opposition from the anti-vaxx movement.

3. The powerful California Nurses’ Association announced that it opposes the planned new arena for the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco because nurses say the new facility will create a traffic nightmare for the nearby UCSF Medical Center, the Chron reports. Wealthy donors to UCSF have already launched an opposition campaign to the Warriors’ arena plan.

4. Three current and former UC Berkeley students who were victims of sexual assault sued the University of California, alleging that administrators effectively ignored their complaints, the LA Times$ reports.

5. And stock markets around the world remain skittish as the debt-plagued Greek government balks at demands from Germany and other European Union nations to implement severe austerity measures, The New York Times$ reports.


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