music in the park san jose

.Time for Instant Karma

For the week of November 4-10, 2009.

music in the park san jose

I have a deep wish this week. I wish the planets would speak in
loud, clear voices, as the voices of potent dreams do, especially as
the Voice of Jungian dreams does, with its undeniable authority, and
simply tell me what they would most like me to know about our
collective situation and what they would most like me to do about it.
Most importantly, I would like to know what would be the best way to
handle the increasing intensity, a way that would promote consciousness
rather than denial, growth rather than contraction, and transformation.
Period. But unfortunately, my dreams are silent at the moment, which is
why I’m wishing for clarity and hoping I will find it. What I do know
is that there are clearly identifiable astrological times when you can
hear the karmic wheels turning, the past converging with the present to
produce the future. Yes … that happens all the time, but that doesn’t
mean there aren’t special times, moments when the experience of free
will and the power of choice are more potent and palpable than they are
in the ordinary humdrum of the mundane day. Now is one of those special
times. As this week and the coming weeks unfold, there are and will be
chances to recalibrate personal as well as collective destinies through
decisions about how we want to live, and why. Call it Instant Karma. Or
recognize that planetary configurations are providing the potential to
open previously unconscious patterns, and how we will meet those red
threads of habituation will determine what happens next.

The astrological source of this karmic moment is the Saturn/Pluto
square, which is exact on November 15. It is the first in a series of
three squares. The second exact contact occurs on January 31, 2010, and
the third, on August 21, 2010. Saturn signifies rules and regulations.
Pluto symbolizes the principle of death and rebirth. Hard interactions,
such as squares, always have a tendency to turn human interactions
severe. Hearts harden as emotional bodies resist what needs to be
released, and as individuals or collectives cling to comfort zones, the
clash between the certainty of what is and the uncertainty of what will
be could turn cruel and brutal. Be careful not to devolve into
self-destructive behavior. And do your best to avoid blaming others for
what isn’t working in your life. I’m not saying there aren’t
victimizers and victims. There are. But transforming those roles means
first, moving out of the sticky position of victim and finding a new
way of contextualizing the situation. That usually means taking a stand
for yourself. Not a stand that flips the roles — becoming a
victimizer won’t change a thing. But rather a stand that is willing to
delve into the structure of those roles, discovering the causal level,
and then changing at the core. This is putting consciousness into
motion. This is the actualized potential of free will. This is how the
karmic wheel changes direction. This is how new destinies, personal and
collective, are created.

We live in interesting times. Let’s make the most of them.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon sign, read that,

ARIES You have a chance to transform your relationship to
success and one of the keys to this process is your ability to stand in
your authority while you simultaneously recognize the authority of

TAURUS The challenge is to feel connected even as you
experience your primary solitude. I know this sounds impossible, but if
you contemplate the power of synthesis, you’ll find a way to reconcile
these opposites.

GEMINI Despite any specific religious practice, at this
moment in time, your life is your greatest spiritual teacher. Treat all
events as if they are symbols in a significant dream, and you’ll have
the tools for transformation.

CANCER You could say your life is always about issues of
safety and security. And while that may be true, what’s most important
is your relationship to those themes, and how your perspective can grow
and mature.

LEO Few of us recognize that living life is the most creative
expression of all, especially when you approach each day with a
transformational attitude. Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and
your life will sing with joy.

VIRGO Money never accurately measures the true value of life.
So rather than assessing your worth through a purely financial lens,
contemplate how to gauge your life through a framework of meaning and

LIBRA The challenge is figuring out how to find the source of
your personal power, and then, how to move out into the world based on
an authentic devotion to something greater than the self.

SCORPIO Pay attention to what doesn’t “fit” and your reaction
to those incongruities and you’ll discover hidden messages from your
unconscious. Use those missives to grow, and your progress will be

SAGITTARIUS What’s important is finding the courage to
contribute. So rather than hide away in self-judgment, jump in, and let
the experience of participating transform your sense of self.

CAPRICORN Being a benevolent despot is never easy,
particularly when you’re concerned about the qualifications of others.
But those “others” will never grow, and, of course, neither will you,
if you don’t give them a chance.

AQUARIUS You have an opportunity to review belief systems
that no longer serve. Be willing to let go of attitudes you have
outgrown, and you’ll find a new and powerful lightness of being.

PISCES Intense interactions with friends reveal hidden
patterns in need of transformation. Process through your differences,
together, and you’ll reach a new depth of intimacy.


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