.Nomadic Press Reading at Uptown

Nomadic Press is a nonprofit organization founded in 2011 that supports the works of emerging and established writers and artists. From their East Oakland offices and through publications, readings, and performances, Nomadic Press aims to build community among artists across multiple disciplines. This Friday, they’ll be hosting writer Farah Amezcua and writer and artist Truong Tran (pictured) for readings at the Uptown. Amezcua is described as “going through it” on the Nomadic Press website which is deeply relatable among other things. The site also describes her veins as being filled with marinara sauce, in case you needed more convincing of how resonant and humorous her reading might be. Tran, who has authored multiple books which have been translated into Dutch, Vietnamese, French and Spanish, is currently a visiting assistant professor at Mills College. There he teaches writing workshops that land at the intersection of poetry and visual arts. On Friday night, for a donation on an accessible sliding scale, you can enjoy Amezcua and Tran while you sip on Red Bay coffee and red wine.

Friday June 30, 7-9pm, $5-25, 2301 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA, NomadicPress.com.


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