.Monday’s Briefing: Oakland Police are making fewer traffic stops, but with same results; Multiple gunmen in Orinda shooting

Oakland man pardoned by Newsom

News you don’t want to miss for Nov. 18:

1. Oakland Police are making far fewer traffic stops, but the racial breakdown of those pulled over have barely changed, the San Francisco Chronicle. African Americans still make up more than half of all the traffic stops in Oakland last year. $$

2. Investigators in the Orinda shooting believe multiple gunmen open fired at the large AirBNB house party, the East Bay Times reports. Five were killed during the shooting on Oct. 31. $$

3. PG&E CEO Bill Johnson is scheduled to appear at a legislative oversight hearing in Sacramento today, the Associated Press reports. Meanwhile, PG&E may shut-off power this week to about 250,000 homes in Northern California, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. $$

4. California Democratic Party leaders are beginning to question whether Sen. Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign is on its last legs, Politico reports. “I don’t think she can last until California,” one political consultant said.

5. California’s illegal cannabis market is estimated to be three times larger than the state’s legal market. The Associated Press reports there appears to be no solution for how state regulators will fix the problem.

6. Gov. Gavin Newsom issued pardons Friday to three Bay Area immigrants convicted of crimes and scheduled for deportation, the Associated Press reports. The cause of one of those pardoned, Saman Pho of Oakland, had become a cause celebre for some local immigrant activists.

$$ = Stories you may have to pay to read.


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