.Mid-Week Menu: Bartavelle Softly Opens, Off the Grid Gets Spooky, and Two Oakland Community Projects Raise Funds

Welcome to the Mid-Week Menu, our weekly roundup of East Bay food news.

1) Those of you still waxing nostalgic about the dearly departed Cafe Fanny will be happy to hear that 1603 San Pablo Ave. is once again open for business: Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar started its soft opening yesterday, October 23. Berkeleyside reports that, “soft” or not, lines were already out the door and “folks were nibbling on avocado toasts paired with a glass of white wine.” The cafe’s hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday to Sunday. Check out these tentative breakfast and lunch menus, posted on Facebook — sounds like it’ll be at least a few days before all those items get rolled out.


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