The planets morph into motivational speakers this week, and as they hold forth on a variety of subjects, daily routines shift gears. Expect to feel the thrill of possibility, especially as imagination flourishes, enhancing the capacity to envision. While there are no guarantees that every dream will come true, the sheer force of this positive potential could help you to overcome the tug to “make like a slug.” For some of us already functioning at our peak, that might mean having too much to do. But for others who may be floundering in inertia, the planetary patterns of the week translate into movement — and lots of it. So dust off some of what you tucked away because there just wasn’t enough time. There’s plenty of time, now, to be busy with what you want to do.
A Sun/Venus/Chiron/Neptune conjunction, in Aquarius, is the source of this week’s potential for creative visualization. This entire bundle signifies active imagination that is specifically focused on love in all its manifestations, from the amorous to the empathetic. I am thankful for this conjunction because it can inspire the desire and the ability to address the very real needs of individuals and their communities through compassion. The devastation in Haiti may be local, but the poverty and deprivation we’ve witnessed and continue to witness in that particular locale is global. It’s everywhere. And only a collective, creative effort by concerned individuals to envision solutions is going to effectuate the necessary transformation. Don’t worry; I’m not lost in woo-woo land. I’m simply acknowledging the power of collective imagination.
A Mars/Saturn sextile is the source of this week’s “just do it” attitude. Mars represents physical energy and Saturn symbolizes structure; when they work together, they provide a deep reservoir of determination and stamina. This configuration is well known for its pragmatism, and that’s just the kind of cocreative force that’s necessary to balance the idealism of the Sun/Venus/Chiron/Neptune conjunction. Rather than thinking these signatures would be at odds with each other, imagine that the Mars/Saturn sextile is advising the conjunction in Aquarius on how to transform its altruistic visions into reality.
A Jupiter/Pluto sextile expands the stage for some of these imaginings. This sextile is fundamentally about power and is typically interpreted as a desire for influence and authority. But it can also be seen as a desire for spiritual power. I realize that sounds like an oxymoron — especially in our current culture, where many of us are mistrustful of spiritual leaders of every ilk. But I’m talking about the transformative power of the sacred, a transformative power that transcends the various religious structures through which it is expressed. This power speaks directly to the heart and is something that each of us can experience and be inspired by.
That inspiration is much-needed this week, given that we are also in the midst of the separating Saturn/Pluto square, which is sure to turn some attitudes sour and dour. Do your best to resist the temptation to align with the stern and the grim.
As the week unfolds, allow yourself to move into positive action. Each of us has the potential to be a catalyst for change, and making a difference in the world can be as complex as figuring out how to adopt an orphan in need or as simple as lending someone a helping hand or a kind word.
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon sign, read that, too.
ARIES Interaction with friends will provide the comfort you are craving, so don’t decline those invitations. Not every event will be life-changing, but allowing yourself to mingle will change your attitude.
TAURUS Appreciation for your efforts at work boosts your confidence. Allow yourself to enjoy your new approval rating and let it restore your commitment to excellence.
GEMINI Engage in creative activities and your efforts will be rewarded. You may not see instant results, but what you put in motion will gain traction, and that will eventually yield tangible success.
CANCER Focus on relationship issues if you must, but be aware that your first relationship is with yourself. Before you blame partners, take responsibility for your contribution.
LEO You’re in a profoundly idealistic mood about relationships — all of them, including the cat, the dog, and the goldfish — but that doesn’t exempt you from expressing your feelings. Don’t be afraid to share the love.
VIRGO There are several realistic ways to improve your finances, and none are get-rich-quick schemes. Trust your intuition and have the courage to implement your vision.
LIBRA The willing support of friends may surprise you, but if you take their offers seriously, you will be able to accomplish what’s been previously postponed.
SCORPIO Right now, it’s all about the home. Don’t be surprised if you’re obsessed with seeking to enhance your living situation so that it better reflects your internal vision.
SAGITTARIUS Do whatever it is you do to restore your optimism. The situation may be difficult, but you have what it takes to move out of constriction into an expansive fresh start.
CAPRICORN It doesn’t have to turn into a financial emergency, but avoiding the drama means assuming leadership. Stay steady and be reasonable, and others will follow your example.
AQUARIUS Align yourself with what you know to be positive and true, and you will not only set an example for others to follow; you will also invigorate and energize your daily routines.
PISCES There’s no need to be anxious about all those things you normally worry about. Instead of brooding about what will be, enjoy what is.