.Daily Roundup: Stoners Against Legalization Team Up With Ex-Crackhead Priest

1. How do you convince paranoid stoners fearful of a secret tobacco industry conspiracy to take over pot? Well, you can’t simply call RJ Reynolds and get a denial like Peter Hecht of the Sac Bee did today. “Frank Lester, spokesman for Reynolds America Inc., seemed almost apologetic for killing the speculation. But he confirmed that the parent company for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco and the American Snuff Company, won’t be adding a marijuana production division. ‘Even going back years, I remember hearing that same thing back in the 1970s and 1980s,’ Lester said of the Big Tobacco pot business rumors. ‘We are paying attention to the California initiative just as a political situation. But we’re not preparing to enter into the marijuana trade at all.’ Lester added: ‘We’re a domestic U.S. tobacco company. We’re interested in providing the finest tobacco products to adult tobacco consumers. We’re not in the trade of selling marijuana, nor will we ever be.'” See, man, that’s just what they want you to think. Read more news after the jump.


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