At Joyce Gordon Gallery (406 14th St., Oakland), Oakland’s prolific Malik Seneferu is celebrating Black History Month with a show about his family history. Ancestral Portals marks the culmination of the artist’s life-long dream to make contact with his long-deceased father’s relatives and learn more about his genealogical history. Last year, through a DNA ancestry mapping service, Seneferu was finally able to do that. Now, he celebrates that discovery through pen-and-ink tree drawings and a series of striking portraits featuring his parents and grandparents. On February 20, from 1–3 p.m., the gallery will host a panel discussion featuring Seneferu, members of his family, and representatives of 23andMe, the biotechnology company that helped Seneferu connect with his relatives.
.Ancestral Portals: Malik Seneferu
At Joyce Gordon Gallery.