Several powerful celestial patterns are pulling hearts and minds in diverse directions. This scattering of attention is sure to produce a peculiar psychic or emotional disequilibrium — but don’t worry about the tilt. Life isn’t wobbling completely out of control, even if there are moments when some of us are likely to feel overwhelmed by persistent situations that no matter how hard we try just won’t seem to “straighten out.” Truth is, the idea of getting anything “straight” is its own kind of challenge right now, given that we’re also in thrall to an astral time warp, straddling past, present, and future realities, all at the same time. Balance is key to handling this astral flux, and while that might sound like a simple solution, finding and maintaining a steady internal stance in the midst of so many potent shifts requires a deep, perhaps even new, level of concentration and skill.
Three major configurations contribute to this week’s wobble. First, Venus began a retrograde phase on May 15 that lasts until June 27. Venus, the goddess of relationships, is retracing her recent path through Gemini, the Sign of information, which means many of us are revisiting data about our relationships or our relationship habits. We’ve been in this Venus intensive since the beginning of May, when Venus began her trine to Saturn — a positive alliance that lasts until the end of the month. Saturn is in Libra, the Sign of relating, and one of the Signs Venus rules. Because Saturn represents the principle of learning, many of us have been experiencing profound lessons in intimacy.
At its core, Libra is the Sign where we attempt to embrace a process of learning how to relate to another human being as an equal without surrendering a sense of self or asking the other person to do the same. This is a difficult dynamic for many of us, especially when conditioning keeps us enslaved to unconscious patterns that often take the form of projections, making it nearly impossible to see the other person clearly. Staying conscious in the midst of old emotional patterns is among the most difficult personal work of all, and while the current relationship intensive may be exhausting, it provides real opportunities for insight and growth.
A solar eclipse on May 20 exacerbates this intensive, as it reveals hidden patterns. During a solar eclipse, the New Moon overshadows the Sun, and from an astrological perspective, this “reversal” of light can be interpreted as the power of unconscious drives to overshadow conscious concerns, allowing previously withheld feelings to see the light of day. Eclipses distort time, so you or a partner may already be experiencing this heightened state.
The Uranus/Pluto square is also tightening its grip, and as we move closer to the first exact square, emotional reactions are sure to run high. So in addition to making “balance” your mantra, also try to choose kindness whenever possible. It will go a long way toward alleviating the tension of extreme reactions — yours or others’.
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.
ARIES Conversations reveal not only what significant others may have been hiding; they also have the power to reveal what you may have been keeping from yourself.
TAURUS Be completely honest with yourself about your financial condition, and then use that candor to create greater stability. I realize that sounds like an oxymoron, but sometimes a paradox is a powerful catalyst.
GEMINI Call it an identity crisis if you like, but you can also embrace the idea that sooner or later you were going to emerge from your cocoon and greet the world through an entirely different persona.
CANCER The answer could come to you in a brilliant blaze of sudden insight, or it could sneak up on you quietly. Either way, you’ll feel confident about being able to handle a variety of challenging situations.
LEO Think about your relationship to success, and then contemplate how you could make real strides toward expanding your ability to share your gifts with the world.
VIRGO Ask yourself what you are truly called to, and don’t accept or settle for a standard answer. Really consider what brings you the deepest daily satisfaction — and if you’re not doing it, do it.
LIBRA You’re searching for answers, and whether your search is physical or metaphysical, it’s sure to lead you out of your comfort zone. Be brave, and even if it’s uncomfortable, stretch.
SCORPIO You’re digesting and metabolizing new information about how you value yourself, and because you have your own filtration system, this process of self-evaluation might take a while. Give yourself all the time you need.
SAGITTARIUS You’ll be surprised at just how quickly certain relationships will clarify if you stay centered and committed to coming from the heart. Even if it’s difficult news, just stick to the truth — it will set you free.
CAPRICORN In some ways you’re right: It is a career crisis, but it isn’t necessarily negative. Be willing to look at your situation from a completely different perspective, and you’ll discover a gold mine of useful information.
AQUARIUS A deeper insight into your creative process might provide a better understanding of why it is so important to you. This isn’t about altering your method; it’s about understanding how it sustains you.
PISCES The emphasis is on home, and how you create safety internally as well as externally. Be patient with this process and you’ll strengthen your ability to belong to yourself and with others.