music in the park san jose

.The News in Haiku: Celebrity Pot Endorsements, Gaming While Female, and Advice from Isaac Newton

Because the workweek is long but your attention span is short.

music in the park san jose

The News in Haiku is a weekly series in which we let you know about East Bay news, culture stories, and events you may have missed each week, all told in around seventeen syllables. If you’re interested in delving deeper, simply click on the title and read the full  story (or bookmark it to savor later).

Ready to dive in? Good because we know you don’t have all day.

Tricks and Treats
This magician bills
himself as a “Mister Rogers
who does bad things.”

Vote Libby Schaaf
Wanna know who and
what to vote for this election?
We’ve got your back.

Moral Combat
Threats of rape, death,
mutilation? Standard if you’re
a female gamer.

Artists for Prop 47
What do Jay-Z, Brad
Pitt, and Cameron Diaz
have in common? Pot.

Balanced Breakfast
The Bay Area:
a perfect incubator
for something like this.

What’s in Your Lunchbox?

In Uptown, there aren’t
many spots for cheap, filling
meals. That may change.

A Field of Newcomers
In  the crowded Oakland
School Board race, it all comes
down to charter schools.

Free Will Astrology
What does Isaac
Newton have to teach Scorpios
this week? Find out here.

Save Knowland Park
Oakland Zoo prepares
for final fight. Poll shows voters
are like, “NUH UH.”

Bookstores VS Amazon
Is crowdfunding the
antidote to indie bookstores’
woes? Yes! And no.

Follow @annapulley on Twitter. She’ll tweet you right.


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music in the park san jose