Stories you shouldn’t miss:
1. Between 600 and 1,000 Occupy Oakland demonstrators marched back to City Hall last night, but none pitched tents there after Mayor Jean Quan ordered a second raid on the encampment earlier in the day, the Trib and Chron report. There appeared to be no consensus among protesters as to whether they would attempt to reestablish the encampment this week. Some want to, but others are pushing for the occupation of abandoned buildings in the city. Quan said that police would remove tents if they were erected on the plaza. Occupy Oaklanders plan to return to the plaza for a General Assembly meeting on Wednesday night to map out their future.
2. Many Occupy Oakland demonstrators, meanwhile, are expected to join protests with Occupy Cal today, the Trib reports. A student strike and teach-in are scheduled for today at UC Berkeley. Protesters are demonstrating against massive fee hikes and police brutality when they attempted to establish an encampment at Cal last week.