.Lookout! Bookout! At Berkeley Public Library

The Lookouting: A Celebration of Lookout Records marks the 30th anniversary of storied all-ages Berkeley punk venue 924 Gilman Street Project with a week-long series of shows featuring reunited local outfits, including The Criminals, Tilt, Mr. T Experience, Pansy Division, and so on. This riotous scene, however, has a literary counterpart. And running alongside the Lookouting! is a series of talks and exhibitions at the Berkeley Public Library called Lookout! Bookout! On January 3 at the Central Branch, Lookout! Records owners Chris Appelgren and Larry Livermore discuss East Bay punk; and on January 7 at the North Branch, crucial scene figures including Livermore, Jon Ginoli (Pansy Division), and Dr. Drank (MTX) read from their memoirs and fiction. Plus, the Central Branch is hosting an exhibition of Gilman and Lookout! ephemera, while photographs by central scene documentarian Murray Bowles will be hung in the North Branch.


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