music in the park san jose

.Cynicism vs. Optimism

For the week of May 13-19, 2009.

The normal rhythms of daily life disappear this week, and in their
place, a wide variety of mood swings sets the tone of daily
interactions. For some, the absence of the familiar might make it hard
to maintain a strong personal center. For others, that same lack could
feel like a lot of permission to break free. Yet others are likely to
experience the mind-numbing monotony of putting one foot in front of
the other without ever getting anywhere. Okay, maybe life this week
won’t be as dramatic as all of that. But we are in Mercury
Retrograde, an astrological cycle that makes it impossible to rely on
the regular routines of daily life. And that could be disconcerting,
disorienting, and discombobulating.

Mercury began its second retrograde cycle of review on May 7, and
will continue to retrace its path until May 30. Mercury Retrograde is
always about delays, detours, and snafus related to travel, commerce,
and communication. And while it is never a good time to initiate
anything new, Mercury Retrograde is always a perfect time to review the
details of plans and projects already in motion.

But it’s not Mercury that’s manipulating the week’s moods. We are
also in the midst of a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, a mystical
convergence that tends to manifest as a devotion to altruistic,
humanitarian ideals. Jupiter symbolizes expanded awareness and the
quest for spiritual knowledge. Neptune represents imagination, as well
as empathy, sympathy, and receptivity. And when these two planets share
the same space, kindness and consideration abound. We like this
conjunction, mostly because the world can always use a stronger dose of
humanitarian concern — especially right now, at this particular
moment in history, when the contractive grip of anxiety snatches the
breath from so many. All attempts to think about good solutions are a
welcome addition to consciousness, personal and collective.

But this conjunction is not without its shadows. Chiron is exactly
conjunct both Jupiter and Neptune. Chiron, nicknamed the “Wounded
Healer,” symbolizes both the split between instinct and intellect, as
well as the potential for healing that schism. On the negative end of
the spectrum, its presence could manifest as cynicism born of the
recognition of how hard it is to actualize altruism. Yet on the
positive end, Chiron’s participation could also engender a true
optimism that sees the gap between imagination and reality and leaps
into action anyway.

Unfortunately, from May 9 to 22, the purity of the Jupiter/Neptune
conjunction is sullied by a square from the Sun, a fractious
interaction that is likely to provoke excess and extravagance as well
as emotional meltdowns, especially if unrealistic expectations aren’t
met. But this square just as easily builds the muscle necessary to do
whatever it takes to turn dreams into reality.

This week, instead of allowing retrograde frustration to determine
your mood, use your time constructively. Contemplate how you would make
the world a better place to live for yourself, as well as for

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that,

ARIES You’ll need an even-tempered approach that includes
both the biggest possible picture as well as the intricacies of even
the smallest details. Find that balance, and you’ll handle each
situation with skill.

TAURUS You’ll have a much easier time handling your
responsibilities, personal and professional, if you make the time to
prioritize your concerns. Don’t be surprised if this process is as
simple as a list. Sometimes success really is in the small stuff.

GEMINI Yes, you have to make tough choices. But you are up to
the task, especially if you allow yourself to assess the situation
dispassionately. I’m not suggesting you disconnect; I’m simply advising
you to objectively consider the data.

CANCER Be prepared to feel more than a little overwhelmed.
But also be aware, while this state is uncomfortable, it is also
temporary. So be patient, bide your time, and trust that relief is on
the way.

LEO The focus is still on partnerships, personal and
professional, so spend some time figuring out what needs “work” and how
you can make any necessary improvements. Remember, “relationship” is
best understood as an active process that needs constant conscious

VIRGO Be willing to ask tough questions and you’ll be
surprised at what you will be able to uncover and discover. This
doesn’t have to be a cathartic process; it just has to be honest.

LIBRA You’re in a deep transformative process, thinking about
what the next step should be. Take your time, allow the situation to
unfold, and you just might be surprised by the outcome.

SCORPIO Career concerns override other interests, and while
you may resent the intrusion of work, these demands don’t have to be
overwhelming. Handle each situation individually, and you’ll keep a
good flow.

SAGITTARIUS Volunteer and assist, but also resist the
temptation to make promises you can’t keep, especially if those
promises involve specific deadlines. Your timing could be off and that
might create a problem.

CAPRICORN Continue to avoid financial leaps of faith, and
instead, concentrate your attention as well as your efforts on
strengthening your existing state of affairs. It may not be exciting,
but it will be stabilizing.

AQUARIUS Allow yourself to take center stage and don’t hold
back. A highly charismatic light illuminates all your talents, as it
simultaneously catalyzes several unexpected opportunities to shine.

PISCES You are likely to feel a strong internal pull, and
while that longing may feel antithetical to social obligations, honor
it. You need the rest and relaxation that comes from long hours of
quiet contemplation.


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