While Crush’s recorded material sways along at a slow tempo, its live shows are spastic and upbeat. The Oakland band’s EPs, Crush and Crush II, evoke the laid-back, late-Aughts micro-genre chillwave, but Crush’s performances forgo its hazy, sun-soaked studio sound for a barrage of frenetic, distortion-addled noise. The group performs at 1-2-3-4 Go! Records in Oakland on October 27 along with two touring bands from Louisiana: Thou and Heat Dust. Heat Dust just released its first, self-titled LP on indie label The Flenser, which also put out the recent releases of Oakland rockers King Woman and San Francisco environmentalist metal project Botanist. Heat Dust’s pounding tracks contain a dense interplay of tightly-rendered guitar riffs, booming bass lines, and bombastic drum patterns that will likely incite a dance party rather than a mosh pit. Meanwhile, Thou, which has been a band for over a decade, is known for slow, thunderous metal compositions with articulate, melodic, and extremely heavy instrumentation.
.Crush, Thou, and Heat Dust
Distortion-addled noise and thunderous instrumentation.