.Best Drink Names

Spat's Restaurant and Saloon

Spat’s is an ideal first-date locale for two reasons. Number one: If your date’s really sexy, you can order one of their two-person cocktails, a convenient and nonchalant excuse to get a little closer. Number two: Even if the person’s really boring you can still strike up a conversation about (or at least entertain yourself reading) the weird, illustrated drink menu that includes funny stories about Flemish philosophers. It’s a bar with serious style, both in its vintage-saloon-meets-hunting-lodge-inspired decor and drinks like the Oliver “Boston” Strangler, the Dankobar Screamer, Zelda’s Zonker, or Aunt Matilda’s Zombie. If you seek a cocktail à deux, try the Natasha’s Borneo Fogcutter, a fanfare of fruits and liqueurs served over dry ice (hence, the fog). Though some of the super-girly fruity cocktails won’t get you more tipsy than a healthy swig of NyQuil, you can always use them as a chaser after a shot of something manly.


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