.Best Amateur CircusExcuse to juggle fire

Circus nights at Liminal

Come one, come all, and come especially if you have a talent you’d like to try out. The free spirits at Liminal, that art warehouse and build-it-yourself loft space in West Oakland, are always coming up with new, if slightly kooky, ideas for fun: How ’bout we build a giant tank and fill it up with five thousand cubic square feet of water for an art opening? We’ll call the show “water.” Or, what if we have a good old-fashioned circus and invite folks who can perform stupid human tricks? We’ll need people who can balance all sorts of things on their heads, people who can stay up on roly-poly objects, people who can swallow swords or juggle flames or something (if we know anyone like that), and of course a band or two (and we already know lots of musicians). Let’s have cigarette girls in lacy outfits wandering through the crowd selling random things. We’ll even have a kissing booth and staff it with the ladies from Mama Buzz Cafe. We’ll give a discount to anyone else who dresses up. Maybe we’ll make it a semiregular event, but let’s not make an actual schedule or anything.


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