.Blair Campbell

Sep 15, 2010

Confessions of a Pregnant Wine Writer

About four weeks into my first and so far only pregnancy, I was prescribed Promethazine, a drug often given to cancer patients struggling with...
May 12, 2010

Shrink This Drink?

Sometimes misreading is so much more interesting than reading things correctly. Case in point: While I was studying up on the history of California...
Apr 14, 2010

Tannic Attack

The trend of French wine producers printing varietal names on their labels — rather than highlighting the appellation — seems to be gaining momentum....
Mar 17, 2010

A Greener Shade of White

Nearly every winery talks about its eco-friendly wine-making and grape-growing practices these days, so it's hard to know which brands are truly green and...
Feb 17, 2010

Pretty and Rich

When I first heard about the upcoming Berkeley Wine Festival, which kicks off at the Claremont Hotel on March 12, I thought it presented...
Jan 20, 2010

When Good Friends Bring Odd Wine

I recently threw a party, and among the many bottles of wine people brought as hostess gifts was a 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon from a...
Dec 23, 2009

Happy Accidents

You can look at the task of pairing wines with holiday meals in one of two ways: 1) Consider the meal a special occasion...
Nov 25, 2009

Comfort Wines

Not drinking wine was my least favorite thing about pregnancy. I'd hoped that my doctor might have new, unpublicized data that said, "Ill effects debunked, drink...