.Wednesday’s Briefing: Trump disparages Oakland during presidential debate; Alameda names interim police chief

Earthquake gives an early morning shake to the East Bay

News you don’t want to miss for Sept. 30:

1. What was that? Last night’s presidential debate was a spectacle the commission that oversees the event wants to avoid in the future. The Commission on Presidential Debates said on Wednesday that it will make changes to its rules in order to bring some semblance of sanity to the proceedings, NBC News reports. One potential fix may be to shut off microphones when a participant goes over their time or continually interrupts the other.

2. The local angle, of course, came when President Trump again name-dropped Oakland during the debate, SFGate reports. However, Trump suggested cities like Oakland and Balitmore were actually more violent under President Obama’s term than during his own.

3. A 2.7 magnitude earthquake around 6 a.m. this morning was centered in Berkeley, and on the Hayward Fault, KPIX reports.

4. Alameda named Randy Fenn to become its interim police chief, the East Bay Times reports. Fenn retired earlier this year as Fairfield police chief. He replaces former Alameda chief Paul Rolleri, who retired earlier this month. $$

5. Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have given low-income immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, $600 to purchase groceries, the Associated Press reports. The bill had no funding mechanism and would have covered recipients who do not have access to state and federal assistance.

$$ = Stories you may have to pay to read.


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