.Erin Baldassari

Apr 20, 2016

Setting Down Roots in Oakland

In 1997, when the ongoing civil war in his native Burma made it impossible for him to continue working, Sein Win knew it was...
Mar 23, 2016

Sick Fest: A Lesson in ‘Sick Woman Theory’

One day in late 2014, when demonstrators were spilling out into streets across the country to declare that Black lives matter, author and activist...
Mar 9, 2016

St. Andrews Plaza: More than a Triangle

Locals call it Triangle Park. At less than a quarter-acre, bounded by San Pablo Avenue and 32nd and Filbert streets, the concrete plaza is...
Feb 24, 2016

East Bay Old School

Known as much today for its gritty DIY spaces as its elegant performances venues, the East Bay's entertainment scene has always catered to an...
Feb 17, 2016

Languages Treasured but Not Lost

In Chochenyo, one of eight languages spoken by the Ohlone people in the East Bay, there is no word for goodbye. Instead, one might...
Feb 10, 2016

Getting into Arboreal’s Headspace

It's easy to tune out the rest of the world when listening to Arboreal's intricately arranged electronic tracks. The songs build up and then...
Feb 3, 2016

The Kinkification of the East Bay

For the uninitiated, the small gathering of fewer than a dozen people at the Albatross Pub in Berkeley last Thursday could have been a...
Jan 20, 2016

Healing and Redemption in ‘Placas’

Sitting in a circle inside a community performance space in Richmond, not everyone seemed entirely comfortable with the task at hand —...