Jun 17, 2014
State Prisons to Institute New Censorship Rules
Last year, about 30,000 inmates staged a hunger strike in California prisons to protest subpar living conditions and the use of long-term solitary confinement....
Aug 21, 2013
The Fight Against Putting Teens in Solitary
After Cici C.'s son spent three months in solitary confinement at Contra Costa County Juvenile Hall in Martinez, the seventeen-year-old suffered a severe mental...
Aug 14, 2013
State to Send More Inmates to Fungal-Infected Prisons
The deadly disease lies dormant during dry summers in Central California, but it comes alive when the rains arrive in fall. Causing flu-like symptoms,...
Mar 4, 2013
How Did Kayla Moore Die?
“She made friends easily, she was very charismatic,” said Elysse Paige-Moore of her stepdaughter, Kayla Moore. “It was typical for her to call here...
Feb 8, 2012
Breaking Out LGBT Inmates
People who are queer and transgender, especially youth, are disproportionately represented behind bars. Eric Stanley, editor of the new anthology Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment...
May 11, 2011
Liberating Liberace: Oakland Filmmaker Chris Vargas Remixes the Life of a Gay Idol
Somewhere in Hollywood, Michael Douglas is smothering on lip gloss to prepare for a heavy make-out session with Matt Damon. Douglas is set to...