.Doug Buel

Nov 26, 2019

Collecting Birds, Making Chocolates, Fighting Bandits, and Other Pursuits

People love games — both playing them, and giving them as gifts. We have a special fondness for board games that bring people together...
Nov 25, 2009

DJs, Mario, and Assassins

The long drought of summer is over. It's raining video games. Truly great video games are starting to appear for this holiday season. A few are...
Nov 26, 2008

Parkour, Apocalypse, and Downloads

Mirror's Edge For PC, Sony PS3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 Rating: Teen. MSRP: PC, $49.99; PS3 and Xbox 360, $59.99 It's about time somebody made a good...
Jan 9, 2008

Chevron Cares

You don't sponsor an online game about energy usage unless you want people to think you care. And there's no denying that Chevron cares....
Nov 21, 2007

The Year in Video Games

Assassin's Creed, For PC; Sony PS3;, Microsoft Xbox 360 The historical epic Assassin's Creed takes you to Jerusalem, Damascus, and Acre, in which your task is...