.Dave Gilson

Mar 19, 2003

7 Days

Perata raises third-run cash; midwives raise hell; Tom Bates raises his public profile; and CMJ's rep has been razed.
Jan 22, 2003

High-Tech Hide and Seek — for Adults

Geocaching enthusiasts get back to nature with their cell phones, digicams, and satellite-positioning units.
Dec 25, 2002

Plug In, Turn On, Go Out

'Twas the year you could finally seek love online and not get laughed at.
Nov 27, 2002

A Train Bound for Nowhere

Henry Williams says the railroads bilked Oakland out of billions of dollars. God told him to get that money back.
Aug 7, 2002

Berkeley’s Bevatron Blues

Anti-tritium crew finds a fresh fight in national lab's plans to demolish an aging particle-accelerator facility.
Jul 17, 2002

The Catfields and the McCoys

A feud between a feline-fancier and her neighbors raises questions about Berkeley's animal-control policies.
Jul 3, 2002

Behind the Berkeley Boycott

Berkeley boycott "movement" apparently the work of a lone Oakland lawyer.
Jun 26, 2002

Alta Bates Facing a Midwife Crisis

Alta Bates' new plan to phase out its midwife panel could reduce delivery options for low-income women.