.Chris Thompson

Sep 1, 2010

Walnut Creek Developers Face Lawsuit

Want more evidence of the housing market's anemia? Try this story about Larkspur Housing Partners, a Walnut Creek-based development company whose Marin County project...
Sep 1, 2010

Get Ready to Lose the Old Homestead

If you one of the ten percent of California homeowners who hasn't made a mortgage payment in at least sixty days, don't expect the...
Sep 1, 2010

More on Meg’s Trial

Hey, that trial gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman may have to serve as a juror on? The one that could keep her stuck in a...
Sep 1, 2010

Will Jerry Brown Be Forced to Appeal Prop 8 Ruling?

One of the quandaries that Proposition 8's main supporters face is the odd fact that they have legal standing to appeal Judge Vaughn Walker's...
Sep 1, 2010

Sacramento Takes a Nap

Stop me if you've heard this one before. A governor, two Democratic legislative leaders, and two Republican leaders walk into a bar to discuss...
Aug 31, 2010

This Week in Racism

GawkerSpreading the love at Glenn Beck's Rally And what a week it's been! After Glenn Beck's MIllion-Fat-White-Christian-March in D.C., and news that mysterious schmucks torched...
Aug 31, 2010

Because It Is Adorable, and Because It Is About Socks

All kneel before the great UC Berkeley sock-folding robot! Gasp in wonder as it performs an essential household chore! Murmur awestruck praise as it...
Aug 31, 2010

Frickin’ Robots! Folding Socks!

Yes, you know you want one. The Daily Cal reports that two UC Berkeley researchers have created a line of robots that will sort...