.Caitlin Esch

Mar 9, 2011

Apps for Oak Trees

Sudden Oak Death has taken down tens of thousands of trees in fourteen counties statewide, from Monterey to Humboldt. But how can researchers predict...
Mar 2, 2011

The Richmond Bioswale Project

In a drought-plagued state, why waste the rainwater? It's a point Matt Freiberg makes often. "When it rains, you see a tremendous amount of...
Dec 29, 2010

Keeping Goats in Oakland

It seems like everyone has a goat these days. It's technically legal in Oakland, as long as you don't sell the milk or slaughter...
Dec 15, 2010

Fighting Bad Air with Cellphones

The air in West Oakland contains pollutants that make people sick. Children in the neighborhood, sandwiched between the port, several major highways, and a...
Nov 3, 2010

Study Finds Air in Bay Area Homes Is Toxic

Those dust bunnies behind the couch may be worse for you than you think. A recent study analyzing air and dust samples from homes...
Sep 29, 2010

When Bambi Invades

A bobcat walks into a bar in Arizona; a bear saunters down the street in Oxnard; a coyote wanders into a sandwich shop in...
Sep 8, 2010

The Art of Solar Cooking

At ten in the morning, the usual fog layer covered North Berkeley. Reyel and Michaela Daystar, self-described solar cooking enthusiasts, were leading one of...
Jul 21, 2010

Are SmartMeters Dangerous, Too?

With a spectrum analyzer pointed skyward, Stephen Scott, a patient, self-described radio-frequency geek, tested for electromagnetic fields in the basement of an apartment building...